Tuesday, January 11, 2011

There's alotta love in this world

Much to my surprise I have come to realize over the past few days there are a lot of people in this world who love me. Some I wouldn't have dreamed would go the extra mile for me. It's interesting to note you find out who your true friends are when the chips are down and you're in need of help. I love all my friends. And wish to thank them from the bottom of my heart for their most recent outpouring of love toward me. Ya'll are the greatest. Now if I could just find a new job. I've got some promising leads so I'm hoping the search will be over soon, but we will see. Also, I got the opportunity to see my boyfriend today--yet another person who loves me. He's just perfect and I love him with all my heart. I really couldn't ask for a better guy. He treats me like a lady and makes me feel like I'm the only person in the world when we're together. We'll just have to see what happens next on the job front. Maybe with all the love in the air something wonderful will happen.


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