Sunday, January 23, 2011

Not sure what to do

Well, I'm still looking for that new job. It's pretty stressful in the current job market to be searching for work, but something's gotta give soon. Right? I found the house I want to buy. Now I just have to put myself in a position to buy it. If only it could be summer time already. I just can't wait to make big changes. So many things need to happen in the next few months. I jsut want to be outta my current situation. The sooner the better.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

There's alotta love in this world

Much to my surprise I have come to realize over the past few days there are a lot of people in this world who love me. Some I wouldn't have dreamed would go the extra mile for me. It's interesting to note you find out who your true friends are when the chips are down and you're in need of help. I love all my friends. And wish to thank them from the bottom of my heart for their most recent outpouring of love toward me. Ya'll are the greatest. Now if I could just find a new job. I've got some promising leads so I'm hoping the search will be over soon, but we will see. Also, I got the opportunity to see my boyfriend today--yet another person who loves me. He's just perfect and I love him with all my heart. I really couldn't ask for a better guy. He treats me like a lady and makes me feel like I'm the only person in the world when we're together. We'll just have to see what happens next on the job front. Maybe with all the love in the air something wonderful will happen.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Job hunting

Well the job hunt continues. Interesting to note that the job market is becoming more stable. Not much fun looking for a job though. But my resolution is to find a new one and so I hunt. Yesterday I had a phone interview and a live interview. The phone interview was productive but I have to wait for two weeks for the company to make a decision. The live interview was a total waste of time. Not a single thing about the open position sounded like something I would enjoy but the application was put in for a posting which listed a large number of positions. Unfortunately the positions I was interested in had already been filled and the remaining one wasn't for me. Ces le viv. Today is a new day and a new opportunity. We shall see what the day will bring.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


That pretty well describes how I'm feeling today. It's been a very long day. I had a job interview--which is one step closer to my resolution to find a new job, but the company isn't going to make a decision for a couple of weeks so I'm playing the waiting game. I don't like to wait but hey, I don't really want to jump into a job I don't want. So, I'll hope and pray that something comes up soon. Either another interview, a job offer from the interview today or a winning lottery ticket. Wouldn't that be just terrific. Oh well, as the old saying goes you have to buy a ticket in order to have a winner, right? Since I'm low on funds at the moment I haven't bought a ticket so I guess I won't be winning. Crazy is as crazy does. It would be foolish of me to waste my currently limited funds on lottery ticket. Since I'm striving to do a better job of managing my finances I've determined it would be a waste of my currently limited funding to purchase a lottery ticket. At any rate, tomorrow is another day and hopefully my outlook will improve with the rising of the sun. Only time will tell.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year

Well, it's another new year and I find myself watching football. Between college bowl games and the NFL run for playoffs there seems to be little else to watch. Too bad football season is winding down to its end yet again. That is a definite drawback to the beginning of the year. But a new year means a time of renewal. Whether it be resolutions, diets or friendships everything seems possible when you begin a new year. So I guess it would be appropriate to set down some resolutions myself.

I resolve to...

...get a new job
...manage finances better a house
...keep in better contact with my friends & family (near & far)
...go to church more regularly
...learn something new--maybe how to crochet--something I think I would enjoy.

Those should keep me busy enough for the next 365 days. We'll see. I also promise to try (notice this isn't an actual resolution) and keep you apprised here of how well or poorly I'm doing at sticking to these resolutions. Last year I made the resolution to write on the blog everyday. I managed to make it to the 17th day of the year and then I just sort of stopped. Consequently, when I logged in for the new year I deleted all my previous posts. I just couldn't stand being reminded of my total failure everytime I visited the blog. This year, I'll update the blog when I have the time. Who knows that could be early in the morning, over my lunch hour or even in the middle of the night if I'm having a hard time sleeping. It could be every day, twice a week, once a month. Whenever it is I'm hoping that I do a better job of blogging when I don't set such a high standard for myself. Blogging every day was difficult with my busy schedule. And even though I said I managed for the first 17 days of last year that's a slight untruth since a couple of times I blogged double entries because I didn't blog the day before either because I was too tired or simply forgot. But I see I'm rambling, something I'll also try not to do here. After all, if anyone actually follows this blog--you'll have to pick me up off the floor if that ever happens--I don't think rambling is what they'll be expecting.

So, I'll bid you adieu for now.