Tuesday, January 4, 2011


That pretty well describes how I'm feeling today. It's been a very long day. I had a job interview--which is one step closer to my resolution to find a new job, but the company isn't going to make a decision for a couple of weeks so I'm playing the waiting game. I don't like to wait but hey, I don't really want to jump into a job I don't want. So, I'll hope and pray that something comes up soon. Either another interview, a job offer from the interview today or a winning lottery ticket. Wouldn't that be just terrific. Oh well, as the old saying goes you have to buy a ticket in order to have a winner, right? Since I'm low on funds at the moment I haven't bought a ticket so I guess I won't be winning. Crazy is as crazy does. It would be foolish of me to waste my currently limited funds on lottery ticket. Since I'm striving to do a better job of managing my finances I've determined it would be a waste of my currently limited funding to purchase a lottery ticket. At any rate, tomorrow is another day and hopefully my outlook will improve with the rising of the sun. Only time will tell.


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